Once again time is going way too fast..... But it has been so good. I love this place... And its hard to believe I will be leaving this beautiful country in a month! While I am excited to go home I am also gonna miss this place and the people dearly. Today as I was sitting in a combie(public transportation) I started thinking about all of the things I am thankful for here. I was looking out the window at how beautiful it is and I just started making a list.
I am thankful for the beautiful blue sky and always white puffy clouds (except for when they are grey and POURING RAIN)
I am thankful for the pouring rain, for how sporadic it is and INTENSE.
I am thankful for the culture, that you can meet someone and then be invited over for dinner OR to live with them?!!? ( and yes that happened!)
I am thankful for how people will see someone they know driving by and will stick their tongue out at them! (this happened today! LOL)
I am thankful for the carefree lifestyle that is so freeing.
I am thankful for the beautiful sunsets over the mountains that I get to see every night from my apartment.
I am thankful for how easy it is to make deep friendships here even with the language barrier.
I am thankful for the trust people have in each other.
I am thankful for the incredible taste of french fries here...*seriously though they are the best!
I am thankful for the crazy street dogs that even though have been abused will love you instantly with a a few pets they will become your most faithful friend.
I am thankful for the kids here, for their beautiful smiles, and their dedication to games, sports, or even coloring!
I am thankful for combies even the overcrowded ones with crazy drivers that make you fear for your life!!! *talk about Adventure!
I am thankful for the lack of rules/regulations :) life wasnt meant to be lived in bubble wrap!
I am thankful for this place......

My time here has been such a gift. And although I will be leaving soon I know this place will always be a second home to me. God is so good and so faithful.... Don't forget that. It's so easy to be worried about money or future or you name it. But I have to keep reminding myself, has God ever let me down? No.... He has always provided for me and He will continue to do so. My life might be a little different than most, it might seem a little crazy or even irresponsible in ways but what I know is He is leading me and I am... well I am trying to do my best to follow. As for what's next.... well that is a great question haha I think it's important for me to spend time with my family so that's my first focus and then... well there's a possibility of working in Ohio at Marmon Valley Farm (a Christian summer camp and riding stables) but also I have been looking into YWAM (a missionary organization) they have bases all over the world. I'm thinking about one based in Wyoming. Prayers for guidance and direction are greatly appreciated!!! I love you all! and am so grateful for your support!
kiddos at the orphanage playing "memory" |