well, it has been a while since i've posted in here... time has been insane. so fast! but through everything Christ is faithful. His peace beyond understanding reigns true always... Did you know that? yea its true. through life through death through [all] his peace is amazing and is readily available to all who ask for it (More on this subject later)
The other day I was talking with someone and they said, "If I had a hobby like painting or hiking, or like you; Jesus...." I had to smile to myself because I've never heard of anyone calling my faith a hobby but at the same time I was so glad that they referred to the thing I spend time doing the thing that is the very essence of my life as being Jesus, my faith my Love.... I pray that is always how people see me.
I think of Time a lot like a river. Last month I got to enjoy Kayaking down the American river with my best friend. It was so much fun to just see what was around the bend. There were parts with rapids but there were also slow sections where you could just relax. For those of you who know me; you know I don't really "just relax" much. But, I feel I am in this awkward stage of waiting, of being patient, and resting in the Lord. Sometimes I'm here kicking and screaming, other times just simply resting in His arms. Something God has really been teaching me is that I need to trust Him. (sounds so simple and so basic) I have always trusted Him with the big things and easily trusted Him with others but what about trusting Him in how tomorrow will turn out? What about trusting Him in the work he is doing In my own heart? What if how I thought things would turn out is not how He wants them to turn out? Do I have that confident expectation in Him that everything will happen just how it should? He has spoken to me loud and clear that I need to draw close to Him. So here I am I've been a follower of Christ for over 15 years and the simplest thing is what I need to do, that is draw close to the Lord, to remember my first love. Beginning with Prayer. I've decided that being alone with Him, clearing my mind, and truly pouring my heart to Christ and Christ alone is vital. It's amazing and horrible how easy it is to fall away from that. Our culture is so busy, is so filled with conversation that finding time away from it all is much harder than expected. But I promise you it is so worth it! You will not be disappointed...