Monday, November 18, 2013

Psalm 117

It seems like so much has happened since I last wrote. Well first things first Cusco… Wow… God definitely stretched us all on that trip. The beginning was extremely hard. If there’s one lesson that God drove home on that trip it’s simply this…. “Daniel” the meaning of Daniel is “God is my judge” In other words God knows my heart and no matter what other people think of me I can rest in that.

Here’s a quick run through of our days in Cusco…   6:30 wake up, Breakfast, Devos clean house, then we would head to a school to help teach English until lunch. After lunch we would head out to the plazas to perform dramas or simply talk with people and invite them to church… come home around 6-7 eat/clean then do it again!

 It was such a blessing to be able to help teach English, and doing the dramas was pretty rad as well! The first night we went out, after we performed we walked around and asked people if they understood or if they had questions. One of the girls in our group was able to share her testimony with a girl named Jackie who then accepted the Lord as her Savior. They ended up meeting up later on in the week and brought her to Wednesday night Bible study. So cool! The funny thing about this trip is that we went to Machu Picchu. (which I think in general is how we got dubbed tourist) lol but anyway on that trip we were given so many divine appointments to talk with people. God is so very good! On the train each of us where assigned seats separately so we got to sit with people from all over the world literally... Kyana got to sit with a guy that was from Mexico, Amy got to sit with a guy from France, and I sat with a lady who originally was from Peru but lives in Venezuela. It was so neat to talk with these people and encourage them. What was even cooler was that we got to see them later as we walked around Machu Picchu. Davy who I sat next to ended up seeing me right before we were leaving and we got to continue our conversation about the Bible. She was catholic and although she owned a Bible had never read it for herself. (she didn't think she needed to) so as we said goodbye she told me, "I will read John as soon as I get home!"  I was so excited.

It's just so cool how God works. It doesn't matter if you have a sermon set out, or even an incredible drama to do.... what really matters is your heart and where it's at. Are you willing to take the opportunities that God has given you in your daily life? I know I have not been so faithful in this but I am trying hard to take every moment and use it for his glory. He is faithful and if you are willing he will do crazy things through your life. God is so awesome!

that windy path is the road for the bus!

He is faithful!

Psalm 117

Praise the Lord, all you nations;
    extol him, all you peoples.
For great is his love toward us,
    and the faithfulness of the Lord endures forever.
Praise the Lord.

Monday, October 21, 2013


Today 4 friends and I set out on  a journey to Cusco. We are so excited! It's crazy to think that I've already been living in Peru for 2 months. As of now I'm not sure what God has in mind.... whether I come back after Christmas for 1 more semester or whether I get more settled maybe in the city of Banos Del Inca. I don't know I have been praying so much about where God would have me and how I can serve best. For now its just being patient and seeing what God does.
On this trip we would ask that you pray for us to be bold in sharing our faith. That we would be a blessing to the missionaries living there and that as we teach English at the local schools we would have the right words to say. Pray for the hearts of the people of Cusco and all the tourist. We are looking forward to the divine appointments that God has for us.  :)  Thank You all so very much hopefully I will be able to update this again while in Cusco.     

Sunday, October 6, 2013

This morning I got up a little early and begin to read. It seems to be a rare occasion when I am able to read without any distractions but this morning was/is so peaceful! Such a blessing! Last week went pretty well I was able to work on the walk ways between buildings before the rain comes. I also got  to clean the student’s housing with the help of some friends. Sometimes it’s hard for me to feel like I’m of much use especially when I look around and see so clearly all the gifting of others. But God has been speaking directly on the matter.  Because it’s true I can see other's gifts and my own failures but that doesn't matter… I can come before God with nothing with just my hands and  feet and He will use me. Here’s the thing… God wants us to have a humble and contrite heart, to be obedient and that is better than sacrifice or some grand ministry. I’m not sure what it is in my mind that makes me think I need something more, bigger, or better service to Him? What it comes down to is this if I see a need around me then I should meet that need. If it is in m ability to do, then do it! We serve a marvelous God, a HUGE God, but when it comes to how we serve our lovely finite minds like to complicate things. But as Jesus said all the laws, the prophets, and everything said in the scriptures can all be wrapped up in 2 things, Love God, and love others. The simplicity of it all…..  So those are my thoughts for the week  and I wanted to add some of my reading from the day also some prayer request at the bottom (please feel free to send me message if you have any prayer request as well because I would love to be praying for you) 
Jeremiah  7:9-11 “‘Will you steal and murder, commit adultery and perjury,[a] burn incense to Baal and follow other gods you have not known, 10 and then come and stand before me in this house, which bears my Name, and say, “We are safe”—safe to do all these detestable things?11 Has this house, which bears my Name, become a den of robbers to you? But I have been watching! declares the Lord.
I feel like this verse is a warning to me and to us all. Not that we've been stealing or murdering, but that maybe  in our hearts we know the good we are supposed to do but haven’t been doing it and then we come before God as if it’s okay… but He is watching. I know I am guilty of this and I’m praying hard for the change in all our lives.
Colossians 2:13-15 When you were dead in your sins and in the uncircumcision of your flesh, God made you[d]alive with Christ. He forgave us all our sins, 14 having canceled the charge of our legal indebtedness, which stood against us and condemned us; he has taken it away, nailing it to the cross. 15 And having disarmed the powers and authorities, he made a public spectacle of them, triumphing over them by the cross.[e]
Being reminded of this; of our freedom in Christ, it’s so awesome… All that condemns has been nailed to the cross. It is Finished! So here we are ready to live, to love, to serve not under any guilt or compulsion of works “to be righteous” because we know Christ is our righteousness, but simply out of grateful hearts... How good is our God? J
 Prayer request: October 21-Nov. 1st is mission’s week and there are a few teams going out to different cities. My team will be going to Cusco, we are so excited, and prayers for boldness and guidance are much appreciated. Again we want to be used in any way He would have us whether it’s talking to people we meet or picking up garbage on the side of the road. But as I lead this trip I would ask for wisdom first and foremost; especially for decision making. Thank you so much!

Saturday, September 28, 2013


Are you thankful for internet? When I realized how thankful I was for internet by living without it  then the electricity went out and I had to think... Am I thankful for electricity?....    Are you thankful for hot water? When we only have freezing cold water it can be hard but I am thankful.... and then the water went out...  How thankful are you for water? In the states you can drink the water from the faucet are you thankful for that?   It is truly a blessing to be able to do that. We have been pumping by hand water through a filter for about 50 ppl  it can be intense and sometimes we run out. It's so crazy. But at the same time as going through these small inconveniences my eyes have been opened. Last weekend a group of friends and I were out having a good time we got some desserts and then we walked through the plaza when a little girl came up to us.  She was 7 years old her name was Mariamilagro "Mary miracle" she was selling gum. It broke our hearts because not only was it about 10:30 pm and she was by herself, but also it seemed as if she had been drugged. Her mannerisms were very strange. We asked her where her parents were she just pointed over there and then crawled in my friend Amy's lap. She just wanted to be loved. It was so hard because we had to leave to get back to the college. But I wanted to go to her parents and then I realized that wouldn't change anything... they are using her to sell stuff they aren't going to stop. In this situation what do you do? We prayed and are continually praying but I so wanted to take action I just don't know what that would look like. And once again I am reminded to be thankful for all that I have been given...

 I had just went through the Thousands Gifts Bible study before I came to Peru which is all about being thankful. It basically shows you that when you are giving thanks to God for all things your whole attitude and perspective changes. Right now God has been speaking in volumes on this subject.

Each morning when I wake up I look out at most amazing view and I am completely aware of God's presence. It truly is incredible, and for that I couldn't be thankful enough... I think about where God has me right now and the blessing of being supported by so many loving friends and family and I am speechless. There are so many more things I want to share but they will have to wait until next time I have internet. For now I would just ask that you could pray for us living here for heart changes, for action, and for all the kids on the street for protection, love, and salvation. Thank you all! Rest in His presence today.

Sunday, September 1, 2013


Alright so once again I have made it to the coffee shop with internet! :) funny to think it wasn't that long ago when Internet didn't exist let alone become so vital. Anyhow I just wanted to give you guys an update, the building is very much still a work in progress and we appreciate prayers for that and for the finances to continue. God has been working on me  so much over the past 3 weeks, on patience, on compassion, and just simply remembering that my identity is in Him.

I've been reading the book, “The Alchemist” (shout out to the Green’s Thank you so much!!!) It is so interesting… For those of you who haven’t read it; it is basically a book about one’s personal journey. The main character is a young boy, a mere shepherd. As he lives out his life he runs into many different circumstances only to find out that each situation furthered his journey or played a part in making his journey.  I Love how at first he doesn't even know what his journey is or what his goal is. But as time goes on things become clear. Through every trial he faces he is able to see the good it brought about because he so clearly knows what he’s after and that nothing can stop it from happening (well except for him that is).

That is how I want to look at life as well. It is one grand journey and there is purpose in everything. This week has been an interesting one to say the least; I had thought I lost my purse with a couple hundred soles in it on Monday. Great way to start off the weak haha, but again I could clearly see Gods providence in it. So I realized it was missing Monday night and I had just come in from town so I knew exactly where I was and where it would be if I had misplaced it. So Tuesday morning I set out by myself I got tired of waiting for a combie (public transportation) so I started walking. As I walked I had plenty of time to think and to pray. My prayer was something like this, “Lord, I know you know exactly where my purse is, please let me have it back, the money is yours to begin with it, so if it’s not for me then let whoever has it need it more than me”, said with a heavy sigh. As I walked about 20 minutes a combie finally came and I jumped on, I was squished in the back with some of the ladies that worked up in the mountains so I opened my Spanish Bible and asked the lady sitting next to me if she knew of John 3:16 she said she did but it was obvious she was annoyed with me I asked her what she thought eternal life was, she wouldn't respond so I read John 17:3 and then I was silent and so was she…  As I got off that combie and caught the next one that would take me to Banos del Inca (the city I was in the day before) I was trying to prepare myself for the worst.  I asked the store clerk if they had seen my purse and he knew what it looked like but he thought I left it in the taxi, in other words  it’s gone.
I stepped outside and cried… I felt so stupid, I am normally on top of these types of things, and I clearly remember making sure I had everything with me….  Oh well I had to move on, “He gives and takes a way…”   right? So I finally pulled myself together *and bought some ICE cream J then waited for a combie again to go home…  I waited for 40 minutes and during that time I met a guy my age named Roman. We talked about the city, the mountains, and how bad my Spanish is but I was also able to invite him to church (our church used to be a bar called the Chilling bar so it is super easy to invite people because everyone knows where it is!) He told me he is coming! I am so excited! I had to think, “If I lost my purse just in order for one person to come to church then hey that is totally worth it.” Well after that I realized no combies were coming so I had to take a Taxi I normally don’t take Taxi’s especially by myself but this was a rare case. I found a Taxi who gave me a really good deal and during the 25 minutes we had the best conversations ever. He liked to read the Bible every once in a while but he had no idea what eternal life was.  He thought it was similar to how we live now. Again I shared John 17:3 and I tried my best with the Spanish I have to explain that eternal life is wrapped up in knowing God, that it is about a relationship not a religion.  After he dropped me off I felt such peace and contentment knowing that if I hadn't lost my purse I would have never had those conversations or met those people. God is good. Now the next thing to happen was completely off my radar. 
One of my friends, Paula told me she thinks she found my purse in her room. I was super excited but at the same time I didn't want to get my hopes up because well, to be honest I didn't really think it would be there and plus I've been on way too much of an emotional roller coaster lately. To my surprise we walk in and there it is… My purse with all the money in it… I have no idea why I brought it in there and left it in there but all I could say was, “Thank you Jesus!!!”

So crazy… and I’m so thankful. He is teaching me so much right now and stretching me like crazy. Please pray for boldness in my faith that I would trust Him entirely. And if there is anything I could be praying for you for feel free to leave a comment or message me I would love to be able to lift you up in my prayers as well.  :) 

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Here I am

Hey so it has been a while, and writing in here is much more difficult than I thought it would be. Where we live we do not have internet and to get internet its about a 30 minute Combie (bus) ride into town... So here I am sitting at a coffee shop much like the ones we have in the states. I am so thankful for this place!!! First off I would like to say I LOVE being in PERU....   honestly I am so grateful to all of you who helped make this possible it has been such a blessing to be here. But things are not easy per say.. lol  upon arrival we had no electricity for 3 days it was a bit crazy... the construction is not near as far along as I had expected which means my "gardening plans"  have been put on hold.... in  the meantime I'm being used as a "landscaper" never something I had ever thought I would be?! lol God has funny ways of changing our plans.
 I have been trying to keep a positive attitude, but its been really hard. I so want to be used but I haven't really felt very helpful or even able?  I don't know I would so appreciate your prayers!  well I wanted to update you more but the cafe is closing and (we only have internet there) so  I have to go..... but I hope to update more soon!    I love you guys and miss you all dearly!!!  Pray pray pray!!!!     Thank you!!!!

"Here I  am...."   -my prayer....

Sunday, July 14, 2013


Ready?  How do you know if you're ready for something I mean anything? A lot of times people will say "I'm not ready for that." Whether it's marriage or having kids or I dunno any big life commitment. But really do you think there will ever be a point where you will feel like you are ready? I mean like actually well prepared for what's to come?  How could that even be possible? You have no idea what could happen... What if What if?!!??   I think sometimes you have to just go for it and hope for the best.  Of course much consideration should be taken!  But when it all comes down to it, in the end you are still taking a leap of faith.
        Right now I have no idea what I'm doing with my life, well that's not entirely true I know I want to do God's will but as for what that's going to look like?!  oh dear!     Am I ready you ask? Do I feel like this is what I want to do?   HA HA...   in the eyes of the World this makes no sense. I am young I  don't have much money and yet I'm going to live in Peru for a year as an intern  so basically working for free and still paying to be there. It just doesn't make sense right? 
        Yes it's true it seems strange but as a child of God I honestly believe He wants me to be there to  do this.  I don't understand. But at the same time I think that's okay. If I was to understand everything that would take the excitement, the adventure, the uncertainty out of it.....   and then what fun would that be?  :)   no... My Father knows me all too well, He likes to keep me on the edge of my seat.   And you better believe [holy cow] I am there....   Hanging on for dear life!  Jesus! aah!  be my Shepherd,  break my legs if I wander, carry me if I cant walk! Hold me because I need You!

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Remember Ai

So to recap a bit the last few months have been filled with, for lack of better words,  AWESOMNESS!!!!!!  I mean seriously I've been feeling blessed beyond blessed. It's been a really long time since I've had such a long stretch with no "lows"  if you know what I mean. God has been very gracious to me. So I figure I will just go over some of the many highlights!
 First and foremost I went on a 2 1/2 week Road trip across America with an amazing young man who also happens to be my cousin!  ;p  (people along the way where definitely confused about that LOL)  but in all fairness  he is my friend too not just my cousin.  Anyway I thought I would post some pictures from our trip (their at the bottom!).

Also along the way I got to visit with a lot of friends in Ohio (including my Bandit Boy who is a HORSE in case you were wondering)  and not to mention both Austin and I got to see our brothers and their families in Washington which was really cool and even some of our cousins in Oregon.  All in all it was an incredible trip not only for the adventure side but also for growing and encouraging our faith.  to sum it up GOD IS GOOD!

   okay so right as I got home I had to leave the next morning for my church's summer camp. The theme for the weekend was REVIVE! Each day we had talks about the heart, and different conditions of it, but always relating the physical to the spiritual. What will it take to get your heart Revived? It was a really sweet time and simply fun. Filled with incredible worship that I was privileged to be a part of on the cajon. It was a special time for sure.
Beautiful skies!
underwater photo shoot!

Horizon's Youth!

After camp I got home and did laundry and SLEPT! (also a very blessed time haha sleeping that is!) it was a much needed catch up.   But anyhow there was lots to do, for one my friend Mia's wedding is the 22nd so there's preparations for that, but also the 2 families I nanny for wanted to take me out before I leave for Peru (which was supposed to be around July 5th-ish) they took me out to Benihanas. It was so sweet to be with all of them. hehe  and crazy but what do you expect when you have 7 boys ages 3-50ish :)  haha the funny thing is we sat 3 girls on one side and then all the boys on the other!!!   LOL  it was awesome. It still amazes me that with all my insecurities I would think God would just shake his head at me and say "get over it" like most people do but instead he blesses me with people that simply love.   No joke they just love on me and they probably will never know how much it means to me.
my [fams]

so besides spending time with my famil[ies] I've been getting to hang out with Mia a ton and getting to pray with her about her future about her marriage to come its just been so (words don't really cut it).

with all that being said I almost forgot I would be leaving for Peru in a couple weeks (NOT READY AT ALL!)   it was then that one of my [fams] was like Brandy why don't you stay and go to Tahoe with us (on the annual trip) and I was like no I can't do that I'm supposed to leave for Peru and then they reminded me that I had not bought my ticket yet and that I should come and why not buy my ticket for Peru in August instead then I would have so much more time!  

  Incredible so here I am now  completely relieved!  and so looking forward to Tahoe and it's now that I recall advice a wise person once told me... he said remember Ai...    he then went on to explain what it meant... If you open up your Bible to Joshua chapter 7 particularly verse 3  but to give you some context I would read chapter 6 as well...
 basically Joshua had just lead the Israelites to a great victory when the walls of Jericho came down however in that victory the men grew prideful not remembering that the victory was the Lord's (not to mention someone among their troops had disobeyed by taking some of the artifacts from the battle for himself). So as they marched on they found another city to conquer, the city of Ai. Joshua sent men to spy out the land, those men came back reporting , "We wont need all the troops just send a few" very much in a cocky manner. So as the story goes God was not with them and they had to tuck tail and run away from that battle...

there are a lot of things you can take from this story but for me it is the constant reminder that when you just had a tremendous victory to be aware. To not get full of yourself to give glory where glory is due, but also to remember to always stay on your guard knowing that satan is right there. (1Peter 5:8)
   sorry for the novel but its been a while....  and now I want to end by Praising our maker  "Jesus thank you for being my Savior! The joy I find in you is in incomparable."

Enjoy the pix!

The Great Salt lake!
dinner is served!

My Bandit Boy!
riding Tucker

riding Bandit
We also got to explore a cave!

we hiked to many waterfalls!!!

2 waterfalls side by side!

SWEET cloud this is UNEDITED! how cool is that?

Devil's tower in WY

Austin's niece!

My nieces!

Mt. Shasta?