The Title means, "I am therefore I do" Basically explaining the reasons why I may randomly pack up and move to Japan, Peru, Brazil the Amazon, Ohio, Wyoming, Alaska, Africa or anywhere! For people to know I am His. Ephesians 1:3-10
I've been wanting to write in here forever... But every time I try to I just can't articulate what I want to say. It is so extremely frustrating! So I have decided to just write anyway and well if it works you will read it haha and if not it will be in my drafts...
The last time I wrote I basically let ya'll know I was in a place where all I could do was cry out "God please take this, I need You now." I cried out that and I meant it with the very fiber of my being. And He answered.
I've heard it said that when you hit rock bottom there's no where else to go but UP! I rather like that... Someone else recently told me, "People say the grass is always greener on the other side, but I say, 'The Grass is greener where you water it.'" AMEN! How true... You are stuck in a set of circumstance, You cant really do anything about that... but it's what you do with what you are given that matters.
It has been a hard month but at the same time it has been such a blessed time. God worked through a mess in a way that only He could and brought redemption out of it. On top of that I was given an opportunity to serve him that rocked me to the core. I feel so undeserving and I'm so excited! I am going to back to Peru, back to Cajamarca for a year as an Intern for Calvary Chapel Bible College. I have never been so excited. I can't wait to see all that God does through this. And as I said already I feel so undeserving its unbelievable but its so God and again I say.... Only God.... Only God would have grace like, that mercy like that to forgive a messed up child and then plop an extraordinary gift right in their lap. He alone is good. Now where do I go from here? Well Jesus once told a parable about a couple people who were forgiven debts one was a small debt the other was huge but both were equally forgiven. Then he asked the crowd which person do you think is more thankful? Of course the crowd answered, "the one who was forgiven most" Jesus told them they answered correctly. In the same way I feel I have been forgiven much and for that I want to give my life back to Him in whatever way He would have me... Here I am Lord.