Sunday, July 14, 2013


Ready?  How do you know if you're ready for something I mean anything? A lot of times people will say "I'm not ready for that." Whether it's marriage or having kids or I dunno any big life commitment. But really do you think there will ever be a point where you will feel like you are ready? I mean like actually well prepared for what's to come?  How could that even be possible? You have no idea what could happen... What if What if?!!??   I think sometimes you have to just go for it and hope for the best.  Of course much consideration should be taken!  But when it all comes down to it, in the end you are still taking a leap of faith.
        Right now I have no idea what I'm doing with my life, well that's not entirely true I know I want to do God's will but as for what that's going to look like?!  oh dear!     Am I ready you ask? Do I feel like this is what I want to do?   HA HA...   in the eyes of the World this makes no sense. I am young I  don't have much money and yet I'm going to live in Peru for a year as an intern  so basically working for free and still paying to be there. It just doesn't make sense right? 
        Yes it's true it seems strange but as a child of God I honestly believe He wants me to be there to  do this.  I don't understand. But at the same time I think that's okay. If I was to understand everything that would take the excitement, the adventure, the uncertainty out of it.....   and then what fun would that be?  :)   no... My Father knows me all too well, He likes to keep me on the edge of my seat.   And you better believe [holy cow] I am there....   Hanging on for dear life!  Jesus! aah!  be my Shepherd,  break my legs if I wander, carry me if I cant walk! Hold me because I need You!