Right now I have no idea what I'm doing with my life, well that's not entirely true I know I want to do God's will but as for what that's going to look like?! oh dear! Am I ready you ask? Do I feel like this is what I want to do? HA HA... in the eyes of the World this makes no sense. I am young I don't have much money and yet I'm going to live in Peru for a year as an intern so basically working for free and still paying to be there. It just doesn't make sense right?
Yes it's true it seems strange but as a child of God I honestly believe He wants me to be there to do this. I don't understand. But at the same time I think that's okay. If I was to understand everything that would take the excitement, the adventure, the uncertainty out of it..... and then what fun would that be? :) no... My Father knows me all too well, He likes to keep me on the edge of my seat. And you better believe [holy cow] I am there.... Hanging on for dear life! Jesus! aah! be my Shepherd, break my legs if I wander, carry me if I cant walk! Hold me because I need You!