Do you ever have those moments maybe its just nostalgia that somehow gets triggered but instead of good memories it brings up those things you have tried so hard to forget? I had one of those the other day and sometimes it seems like I just can't shake it the memories wont leave me be. The past is past people say you can't change it so why let it haunt you anymore. But how easy that is to say when you're not the person with the guilt over shadowing your every breath. Sometimes it can completely incapacitate me. In those moments I have to go straight to the cross. Remembering that then and there His blood was shed so that I might be forgiven. He sacrificed himself in order that I could be made righteous, holy, to be with Him forever.
Me Holy? Me Righteous? But I know myself, I say, I know how horrible I am.... yes yes that is true but
He is my righteousness He is my holiness... When the Father looks down He sees Jesus' perfection in me... Nothing I could do but in His love He covers me. Incredible... Incomprehensible... Truly Amazing grace...
Father please...
"Lead me to the cross where Your love poured out. Bring me to my knees, Lord I lay me down. Rid me of myself I belong to You. Lead me, lead me to the cross... To Your heart..."
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