Sunday, September 1, 2013


Alright so once again I have made it to the coffee shop with internet! :) funny to think it wasn't that long ago when Internet didn't exist let alone become so vital. Anyhow I just wanted to give you guys an update, the building is very much still a work in progress and we appreciate prayers for that and for the finances to continue. God has been working on me  so much over the past 3 weeks, on patience, on compassion, and just simply remembering that my identity is in Him.

I've been reading the book, “The Alchemist” (shout out to the Green’s Thank you so much!!!) It is so interesting… For those of you who haven’t read it; it is basically a book about one’s personal journey. The main character is a young boy, a mere shepherd. As he lives out his life he runs into many different circumstances only to find out that each situation furthered his journey or played a part in making his journey.  I Love how at first he doesn't even know what his journey is or what his goal is. But as time goes on things become clear. Through every trial he faces he is able to see the good it brought about because he so clearly knows what he’s after and that nothing can stop it from happening (well except for him that is).

That is how I want to look at life as well. It is one grand journey and there is purpose in everything. This week has been an interesting one to say the least; I had thought I lost my purse with a couple hundred soles in it on Monday. Great way to start off the weak haha, but again I could clearly see Gods providence in it. So I realized it was missing Monday night and I had just come in from town so I knew exactly where I was and where it would be if I had misplaced it. So Tuesday morning I set out by myself I got tired of waiting for a combie (public transportation) so I started walking. As I walked I had plenty of time to think and to pray. My prayer was something like this, “Lord, I know you know exactly where my purse is, please let me have it back, the money is yours to begin with it, so if it’s not for me then let whoever has it need it more than me”, said with a heavy sigh. As I walked about 20 minutes a combie finally came and I jumped on, I was squished in the back with some of the ladies that worked up in the mountains so I opened my Spanish Bible and asked the lady sitting next to me if she knew of John 3:16 she said she did but it was obvious she was annoyed with me I asked her what she thought eternal life was, she wouldn't respond so I read John 17:3 and then I was silent and so was she…  As I got off that combie and caught the next one that would take me to Banos del Inca (the city I was in the day before) I was trying to prepare myself for the worst.  I asked the store clerk if they had seen my purse and he knew what it looked like but he thought I left it in the taxi, in other words  it’s gone.
I stepped outside and cried… I felt so stupid, I am normally on top of these types of things, and I clearly remember making sure I had everything with me….  Oh well I had to move on, “He gives and takes a way…”   right? So I finally pulled myself together *and bought some ICE cream J then waited for a combie again to go home…  I waited for 40 minutes and during that time I met a guy my age named Roman. We talked about the city, the mountains, and how bad my Spanish is but I was also able to invite him to church (our church used to be a bar called the Chilling bar so it is super easy to invite people because everyone knows where it is!) He told me he is coming! I am so excited! I had to think, “If I lost my purse just in order for one person to come to church then hey that is totally worth it.” Well after that I realized no combies were coming so I had to take a Taxi I normally don’t take Taxi’s especially by myself but this was a rare case. I found a Taxi who gave me a really good deal and during the 25 minutes we had the best conversations ever. He liked to read the Bible every once in a while but he had no idea what eternal life was.  He thought it was similar to how we live now. Again I shared John 17:3 and I tried my best with the Spanish I have to explain that eternal life is wrapped up in knowing God, that it is about a relationship not a religion.  After he dropped me off I felt such peace and contentment knowing that if I hadn't lost my purse I would have never had those conversations or met those people. God is good. Now the next thing to happen was completely off my radar. 
One of my friends, Paula told me she thinks she found my purse in her room. I was super excited but at the same time I didn't want to get my hopes up because well, to be honest I didn't really think it would be there and plus I've been on way too much of an emotional roller coaster lately. To my surprise we walk in and there it is… My purse with all the money in it… I have no idea why I brought it in there and left it in there but all I could say was, “Thank you Jesus!!!”

So crazy… and I’m so thankful. He is teaching me so much right now and stretching me like crazy. Please pray for boldness in my faith that I would trust Him entirely. And if there is anything I could be praying for you for feel free to leave a comment or message me I would love to be able to lift you up in my prayers as well.  :) 

1 comment:

  1. Ha! That's awesome! You were meant to go on that journey. The ultimate destination wasn't about finding your purse. ;)
