Wednesday, January 29, 2014


Some of you know some of you don't... this past week has been a hard one for me... I finally found a new home for my puppy (she was quite a handful and I had realized I really just wanted my Cor boy back)  well  I found Cor and I got to spend 2 amazing days with him :)   he was looking pretty skinny/flee infested/ with some sores.  But I got him cleaned up and with a full belly. It was nice to have him back on the third morning Cor jumped from my apartment and after an ultrasound discovered his liver was destroyed from the fall. Sadly I had to put him down it was one of the hardest days of my life. God is good though and he's taking care of me.

Last Thursday and Sunday services I was able to lead worship for the first time with the help of Don Brower (THANKS!) lol It was a blessed a time. Although I am extremely nervous playing/singing infront of people I am glad to and I will be doing that for every service now.

Saturday the youth group went out to do some evangelism we got to have some really cool conversations  and will be starting a class on evangelism soon!

English classes are going well and growing!

Ryan and Nicole are in contact with an orphanage that hopefully will allow us to go there every other week (please pray for that to happen! and for healing and confidence for me.)

Those are all the updates for now I appreciate your prayers!

Thursday, January 16, 2014

Week 1

Alright so my first week back in Peru :) so cool....  It was a little hectic at first.... searching for apartments and for things I need like mini refrigerator, mini stove top,  water boiler/purifier.... all that fun stuff.  Now I am more situated and while I still dont know how long I will be here or what exactly God has in mind it is exciting none-the-less. I had my first scary moment this morning!!! (okay well actually my second the first one being the tarantula in my clothes drawer!!! pictured above) So I got up at about 7 to let the puppy out on the patio but she started to go back inside so I quickly shut the door not realizing the door would latch leaving the puppy and I locked on the top of a third story apartment in the RAIN! Not cool.  So I looked around for something to see if i could get the door open... then I shouted over the balcony!!!  Someone heard me but couldn't help because the Landlord who has the keys wasn't there. So I ended up staying out there for an hour before finding a plastic outlet cover that was partially broken so I ripped it off the rest of the way and used it to wiggle the latch! *THANK YOU JESUS!!!  I don't know how long I would have been stuck up there....also thanks to Celestino who showed me how to do that!!!!   Anyway it has been an adventure already!

But I really wanted to share about somethings I'm involved with.  Every Wednesday at Refugio there are free english classes. It was so awesome to be a part of it and you could see how much the Peruvians enjoyed it as well. Alright thats all for now... :)

Sunday, January 12, 2014

Why I am in Peru.

A lot of people asked me why I was going back to Peru and honestly I didn't exactly have an answer; only that I knew God wanted me to be there. I started having major doubts about it. Seriously just ask my parents!  As  I was in Florida about to board my plane to Lima I was talking with my Dad and saying, "I don't know what I'm doing.... I should just come home now." Feeling so stupid I was wondering if I am a fool? Will I spend all my savings on staying in Peru and them come home broke? But I couldn't turn back after all I was already on my way.
the Bus!

 That was only 5 days ago and wow how things have changed. I stayed in Lima for 2 days before boarding my 16 hour bus ride up to Cajamarca. In Lima I was still doubting but as soon as I got on the bus I had a crazy peace. It was as if I remembered that this is where I am supposed to be. I love this place, the people, the culture, the ministry.... And while I'm still uncertain of a lot, like how long I will be here, finances, etc.. I am absolutely sure He wants me here and that brings such a joy and peace. And so now without anymore words I want to show you why I am in Peru....

Heart Melting!!!

and believe it or not this is the same day as the photos above!!!!

Sunday, January 5, 2014

Four Months!

It’s hard to believe four month passed by so fast! And now that I’m home, well honestly I can’t wait to go back. Peru has a way of capturing your heart that’s for sure. The culture is just so inviting and they are ready and willing to hear about Jesus. While these last four months have not been what I expected, they have opened many new opportunities. Originally I thought I would be working on starting a hydroponic garden system and a small farm for a Bible college, well God had different plans. At first I was really upset about not doing what I had been looking forward to, but in the end I’m glad it worked out this way. I spent the last few months helping out the college in other ways like building pathways, hauling rocks, and starting a compost pile. It was hard work but I was glad to do it. I also started getting involved in a church called Refugio or “Refuge”. It’s a small church but it’s sincere and that’s what I love about it. Recently I was asked by the Pastor to serve there helping with worship, children’s ministry, and maybe even starting an after school program. I’m really excited for this opportunity! In Oswald Chamber’s “The Utmost for His Highest” he speaks of gracious uncertainty and I feel I'm beginning to understand that more and more. Although I’m unsure of what the future holds I’m certain of who holds it and in that I rest. I will be headed back to Peru January 7th not knowing how long I will be there or what will happen next. But in the mean time I wanted to send out an update and just say thank you so much for all of you who made this possible. I can’t express how grateful I am. I pray for you that this Christmas would be a time of remembrance of all that God has done in and through your life. Merry Christmas and God bless!