Saturday, October 22, 2011


Someone once told me that, its okay to be lonely. they said, "Maybe in this moment God wants you to be content in him and in this time he has given you." It is so hard to be content when your heart aches. But just like this song, the flesh distracts me but when I think about Jesus, I am filled with joy. I love how it says
 "I left my boat in haste to meet you" I am so like Peter in John 21:7-8 
The disciples are all fishing and they are not catching anything, then Jesus appears on the land and tells them to cast their net on the other side. As they do they catch a huge load, then John says to Peter, "It is the Lord!" Instantly Peter jumps into the water and swims to him as the rest of the disciples bring the load of fish in... I love this and it is so my soul. I just want to run to him with all of me. 
Hebrews 11:6 says it is impossible to please God without faith.  
So Lord please increase my faith! I don't know what your plans are for me but I know I want your desires to be mine. I want to be your servant. Amen  

I was listening to a Chuck track (sermon by Chuck Smith) and he was talking about Hebrews 11:33-38 (where it list awesome things people by faith have conquered and then it list the horrible things people by faith have endured) Chuck says,
"Your faith in God is not always going to bring you tremendous triumph and victories over the enemy, but your faith in God will sustain you through any kind of exigency that you may face in life. That's the thing. Do I have the faith, the quality of faith that endures? "

"We're sure of what we cannot, cannot see. We push on through this waist land, without it there's no victory! Here I am once again alive..." 

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