Thursday, January 16, 2014

Week 1

Alright so my first week back in Peru :) so cool....  It was a little hectic at first.... searching for apartments and for things I need like mini refrigerator, mini stove top,  water boiler/purifier.... all that fun stuff.  Now I am more situated and while I still dont know how long I will be here or what exactly God has in mind it is exciting none-the-less. I had my first scary moment this morning!!! (okay well actually my second the first one being the tarantula in my clothes drawer!!! pictured above) So I got up at about 7 to let the puppy out on the patio but she started to go back inside so I quickly shut the door not realizing the door would latch leaving the puppy and I locked on the top of a third story apartment in the RAIN! Not cool.  So I looked around for something to see if i could get the door open... then I shouted over the balcony!!!  Someone heard me but couldn't help because the Landlord who has the keys wasn't there. So I ended up staying out there for an hour before finding a plastic outlet cover that was partially broken so I ripped it off the rest of the way and used it to wiggle the latch! *THANK YOU JESUS!!!  I don't know how long I would have been stuck up there....also thanks to Celestino who showed me how to do that!!!!   Anyway it has been an adventure already!

But I really wanted to share about somethings I'm involved with.  Every Wednesday at Refugio there are free english classes. It was so awesome to be a part of it and you could see how much the Peruvians enjoyed it as well. Alright thats all for now... :)


  1. What an your puppy....not crazy about your pet spider...LOL

  2. Umm... tarantula! Again, I remind you of my only stipulation :D Happy to hear things are going well! Look forward to updates on your place and your ministries!
